Programming with Backpressure

Stream Processing with Observables

For the purposes of this talk we are going to focus on using an observable to build a system which uses backpressure to respond to overload situations. This is the solution provided as part of the reactive extensions specification and is, as a result, available in a wide variety of languages.

So, what is an Observable? At its core it’s basically an interface for an Observer to subscribe to a data source along with some contractual details about how that interface will be used.

Creating an Observer

In general, an Observer has a few important methods:

  1. An onNext method called for each data element in the Observable. In reactive implementations that support backpressure (such as Monix) the return of this method indicates the synchronous or asynchronous completion of processing on the work item with success or an error.
  2. An onComplete method that is called when the Observable contains no more data elements.
  3. An onError method called when the Observable encountered some kind of error is encountered which results in the stream terminating.

The interface looks something like this:

import monix.execution.Ack
import monix.reactive.Observer
import scala.concurrent.Future

final class MyObserver[-T] extends Observer[T] {
  override def onNext(elem: T): Future[Ack] = {

  override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
  override def onComplete(): Unit =

See: Monix Documentation

The Observer Contract

Now, it’s useful to understand how these methods will be called. There are several rules to be followed when interacting with an Observer.

  1. The onNext will be called 0 or more times. It will never be called more than once for the same event. In reactive implementations supporting backpressure, it is also important to ensure that the onNext will never be called until its previous invocation ends either synchronously or asynchronously. As a result, there is no need for expensive locking or synchronization of this method.
  2. onComplete, onError, and onError will never be called concurrently. As a result, there is no need for possible expensive locking or synchronization in these calls when implementing an observer.

NOTE: Your framework of choice may have rules that differ slightly from this, are more explicit in some situations, etc. Please refer to the documentation of the library you are using for a more complete listing.

Creating an Observable

On the other side is an Observable which is basically just an interface that allows for an Observer to subscribe to the data source. The exact details of this differ a bit between platforms. When using scala and monix this is accomplished by using the factory methods available on the Observable object.

import monix.reactive.Observable

val source = Observable("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamme", "Delta", "Epsilon")

   .foreachL(name => println(name))

See: Monix Documentation

Higher-Order Operators

In most cases the details of these low level Observer and Observable contracts are transparent to code authors. Why? Because a huge amount of higher-order operations are available for operating on Observable streams of data without having ever manually write an Observer. You’ve already seen one example above when using the foreachL operator in Scala.

Let’s take an example use case to try this out. Let’s build an application that accepts requests from a client as stream of text lines where each line is a “command”. With that, let’s implement the following commands:

  1. “echo” the received line of text to simulate a trivial command to process.
  2. “sleep” for 10 seconds and then emit the string “awake” to simulate a long-running command to be processed.

In each case the commands should be executed in-order. If a command cannot be processed within 1 second (e.g. because the ‘sleep’ command takes to long) then it should immediately echo the line “try again”.

In the following example we implement this simple “app” in scala by taking advantage of a few operators.

import cats.effect.ExitCode
import monix.eval.{Task, TaskApp}
import monix.reactive.Observable
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object CommandProcessor extends TaskApp {
  private val processingFinishedMsg: String =
    "No more commands to process. Shutting down!"
  private val processingTimeoutMsg: String =
    "Your command could not be processed. Please try again later."
  private val processingTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second
  private val sleepTime: FiniteDuration = 10.second

  def processCommand(cmd: String): Task[String] =
    if(cmd.startsWith("echo")) {
    } else if(cmd.startsWith("sleep")) {
    } else {
      Task.pure(s"An unknown command $cmd was received.")

  def processCommands(commands: Observable[String]): Observable[String] =
      .mapEval { cmd =>
        processCommand(cmd).timeoutTo(processingTimeout, Task.pure(processingTimeoutMsg))

  override def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] = {
    val commands = Observable("echo before", "sleep", "echo after")
      .map(_ => ExitCode.Success)

When we put all of this together we get a system which provides the following output when given the commands:

echo before
Your command could not be processed. Please try again later.
echo after
No more commands to process. Shutting down!